Mayor to sign Task Order with MSA for Fair Street design

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Lodi - Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Task Order for Fair Street Preliminary Design Submitted by MSA. Mayor Groves Lloyd reported that MSA was asked to submit a task order for the design of Fair Street to start the planning process. She further noted there is potential savings in combining Sauk Street and Fair Street into one bid package.

Council members expressed interest in including more than one option to address ADA and pedestrian accessibility to the ball fields, guidance on the walls (current parking goes to walls), other parking options, permeable parking lot options, connection of parking lot to multi-use path. Zimmer noted that the task order language reflects the narrative of the grant and the DOT is requiring parallel parking. Zimmer further reported that the first step is to conduct a survey so a preliminary design can be drafted.
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Once the preliminary design is complete, options can be presented to address any issues and concerns. Another area of concern was the statement in the task order regarding the DNR requirement to replace and upsize the four-inch water main to improve fire flow. It was suggested that this requirement be further investigated with the thought that the infrastructure on Pond and Elizabeth Streets may satisfy this requirement without replacing the existing main on Fair. MOTION (Stevenson, Strasser). to authorize Mayor to sign Task Order with MSA for Fair Street design. Roll call vote – (Ripp, Strasser, Stevenson, Hansen, Tonn); Nay (0). Motion carried.
