Council votes to approve $14 - $16 million budget for Public Works/Parks & Rec facility

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Portage -

For the Phase 1 or Preliminary Design Services linked with a new integrated Public Works/Parks and Recreation Garage, the City issued a call for design proposals in 2022. Services for site assessment, concept design, cost estimation, and the creation of a project timeline were all included in the bid. Keller Design Services was suggested after a screening procedure, and the Council authorized the Phase 1 agreement with them in January 2023. At the July 13th Common Council meeting in 2023, the Common Council approved Keller's recommendation to purchase 9.64 acres on Cemetery Road.

July 27th 2023 common council voted unanimously to move forward with the next phase of the project. Discussion in the video below including cost per assessed value of property in Portage.
citygarage.png (336.08 KiB) Viewed 3273 times