Spring Ridge Subdivision approved to subdivide parcel into ten single unit lots

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Lodi - The parcel is located on County Road J and is about 1,000 feet northeast of Fair Street and within 1.5 miles from the City of Lodi’s corporate boundaries which requires the included Extraterritorial Land Division Application. The client seeks to subdivide the parcel into ten single unit lots. In accordance with Wisconsin Statute 236.10b, extraterritorial plats and subdivisions must be approved by the town that the property resides and the municipality if within 1.5‐mile extraterritorial area. The applicant’s intent is to develop ten single‐family residential homes on the approximately 26.2 acres with each subdivided lot ranging from 1.51 to 3.98 acres.
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Stevenson reported that the City’s scope of approval of ET applications is limited to the items noted in the Zoning Administrator’s report. Concerns raise by Plan Commission members were unable to be addressed with this review because they were not identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Plan Commission will work with the zoning administrator to revise the Comprehensive Plan to identify future roads, infrastructure, etc. in the ET area to address concerns for future ET land divisions. Roll call vote – Aye (Tonn, Ripp, Strasser, Stevenson, Hansen); Nay (0).
