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Discussion & possible recommendation on Resolution No. 23-23 Intent to Exercise
Special Assessment Powers for the West Conant Street Reconstruction Project.
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Conant Street Reconstruction Project)
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Common Council by the City of
Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin:
1. That the Common Council of the City of Portage, Wisconsin, does hereby declare its
intention to exercise its powers under Section 66.0703 of the Wisconsin Statutes to
levy special assessments for construction of Municipal Street and Utility
Improvements upon the properties improved by such construction;
2. That said public improvement shall consist of the following improvements:
Sidewalk replacement and/or construction and/or apron construction for the following
Municipal Street(s):
W. Conant Street, from W. Pleasant Street to Pierce Street
Sanitary Sewer Laterals for the following Municipal Street(s):
W. Conant Street, from W. Pleasant Street to Pierce Street
3. The Common Council of the City of Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin,
determines that such improvements shall be made under the police power for the
health, safety and public welfare and that the amount assessed against each parcel
shall not exceed the actual cost of the project as prorated to each parcel.
4. The special assessments against any parcel for construction costs totaling $300.00
or less shall be paid in full within 60 days of being invoiced.
Construction costs greater than $300 but less than $1500, the property owner shall
be invoiced the full amount and have the option of paying the balance in full or
placing the amount on the property tax bills with the principal balance being collected
in three (3) annual installments plus interest. The City shall charge interest annually
on the unpaid balance for a rate that equivalent to the average true interest rate on
the most recent General Obligation debt issuance plus 1%. The interest rate will be
fixed for the term of repayment based on the year borrowed for the specific project.
Balances may be paid in full at any time with interest prorated.
Construction costs greater than $1500, the property owner shall be invoiced the full
amount and have the option of paying the balance in full or placing the amount on
the property tax bills with the principal balance being collected in five (5) annual
installments plus interest. The City shall charge interest annually on the unpaid
balance for a rate that equivalent to the average true interest rate on the most recent
General Obligation debt issuance plus 1%. The interest rate will be fixed for the term
of repayment based on the year borrowed for the specific project. Balances may be
paid in full at any time with interest prorated.
5. The City Engineer is hereby ordered to prepare a report concerning the following:
A. Preliminary plans and specifications for said improvements.
B. An estimate of the entire costs of the proposed improvements.
C. A schedule of the proposed assessments to be levied and a breakdown as to
how said assessments affect each parcel in the area being assessed.
D. A schedule of hook-up fees for properties not currently in the City of Portage, but
which may be served by the proposed improvements.
E. A statement that the property against which the assessments are proposed is
benefited by the project.
6. Upon completion, a copy of such report shall be filed with the City Clerk for
inspection by the general public.
7. Upon receiving such report, the City Clerk is directed to give notice of a public
hearing on such reports, as specified in Section 66.0703(7) of the Wisconsin
Statutes. A hearing shall be held at the Common Council Chamber in the City
Municipal Building, Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin, at a time set by the Clerk,
in accordance with Section 66.0703(7) of the Wisconsin Statutes unless waived by
all owners of benefited property.
DATED this 27th day of July, 2023.
Mitch Craig, Mayor