City council approves purchase of public property

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Portage - City council approves purchase of public property located on Cemetery Rd, Tax Parcel#11271-2539.02 for $350,000 for building a new Public Works Garage.

After initially failing on June 8, 2023 Portage common council changes postion and agrrees to purchase land.
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Sales History
04/29/2022 $149,400.00

From June 8th meeting:
Discussion and possible action on property located on Cemetery

Rd., Tax Parcel #11271-2539.02
Motion by Havlovic, second by Crawley to proceed with letter of intent for $350,000. Discussion ensued regarding why the letter of intent was at the max price. Sobiek stated the seller would agree to $250,000 plus city lots and this was not feasible. Shimpach inquired each member if the price was $250,000 what would the feeling be. Green-wouldn’t change, this is a residential area, roads are narrow, would have to trailer mowers. Nachreiner-not concerned about the price, doesn’t agree with location. Bauer Frye-$250,000 would be more reasonable, not in favor of any land swap. Radant-ok with $250,000 but area residential, not in favor of any land swap. Shimpach-$250,000 would be better price. Crawley and Havlovic-would still vote yes. Wetzel-would consider $250,000, if land swap was done, would suggest to require a plan for the land before finalized. Inquiry as to zoning of said parcel, R2, Public Works Garage is allowed. Motion failed 2-6 with Bauer Frye, Green, Nachreiner, Radant and Shimpach voting no

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